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Susan Spicer and NOLA Chefs Will Present Jazz Brunch in Celebration

Written By Scott Joseph On April 2, 2010

Here’s a unique opportunity to sample the food of some of the hottest chefs in New Orleans without having to travel very far. (OK, it’s in Celebration, but that’s a little bit closer.)

Susan Spicer, owner of Bayona in New Orleans and one of my favorite chefs, will be presenting a New Orleans style jazz brunch Susan_Spiceras part of Bocuse d’Or’s participation in the Celebration Exotic Car Festival weekend. (I’ve already told you about the Jetport Food and Wine event on Friday, April 16, and I hope you’ve got your tickets already.) The brunch will be Saturday, April 17, at 11 a.m. at the Celebration Hotel.

Spicer will be joined by some other Big Easy chefs (that’s what they call New Orleans; I’m not implying the chefs are big or easy, you can make your own conclusions). They include: Scott Boswell of Stella! (and a nominee for a 2010 James Beard award for the South region); Adolfo Garcia, A Mano; and Allison Vines Rushing, Mila.

Who else might be there? Well, Daniel Boulud and Jerome Bocuse will be circulating among the guests. And it’s likely that some of the other chefs from the Jetport event will be on hand. By the way, that list has been expanded to include James kent of Eleven Madison Park, who will be representing the USA at the Bocuse d’Or in Lyons, France.

Tickets are $150 per person and can be purchased at the Bocuse d’Or USA Web site. Proceeds from the brunch will benefit the Bocuse d’Or USA Foundation.

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