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The Daily City Sponsors Food Truck Bazaar in March

Written By Scott Joseph On March 1, 2011

Circle the wagons! Well, not so much wagons as trucks, but who says “Circle the trucks”?

Food_Truck_BazaarWe’re talking food trucks, the vehicles you spot all over town and country serving everything from hot dogs to chic charcuterie with barbecue, tacos, sweets and all sorts of other things in between.

The problem with food trucks is that they’re scattered all over the place. And sometimes it just isn’t convenient to travel across town to sample the foods of a vendor you’ve heard about. TheDailyCity.com Food Truck Bazaar is for you.

Organized by Mark Baratelli, the indefatigable force behind thedailycity.com, the Food Truck Bazaar will bring an array of some of the area’s best food trucks and carts to one location for one evening. Think of it as one large movable feast in a movable food court.

The FTB will be held March 29, 2011, from 7 to 10 p.m., in the parking lot of the Discovery Church at 4400 S. Orange Ave., Orlando. It won’t cost anything to attend the roundup, but you’ll need to pay for any food you want to purchase. And you’ll need cash; credit cards will not be accepted. Oh, and if you want to sit down or lean on a table while you eat, you’ll need to bring your own table and chairs.

As anyone who follows national food trends knows, food trucks are a phenomenon. They’re certainly nothing new — vendors have been selling food from street corners and roadsides forever. But it’s the type of foods that have changed, and some consider the cuisine they find in some food trucks to be comparable to something they could get in a restaurant, minus all the fineries (see reference above to bringing your own table and chairs).

I’ll have more details about the event as it gets closer, but I wanted to let you know about it so you could save the date because I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. In fact, I like the idea so much that I asked Mark if I could help sponsor it and he graciously allowed me to tag along. So I’ll be there, too.

For now, here’s a link to the official Food Truck Bazaar Web site where you’ll see some of the vendors who have signed on so far (more are coming). And this link will take you to the Food Truck Guide that Mark maintains on his site.

Keep watching for updates.


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