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Pom Pom’s to drop sandwiches at night in favor of cold noodles

Written By Scott Joseph On March 22, 2023

Pompoms extPom Pom’s Teahouse & Sanwicheria, via Facebook

Citing a change in the nighttime eating habits of the dining public, Pom Moongauklang, the owner of Pom Pom’s Teahouse & Sandwicheria in the Milk District, will begin offering a completely different menu for dinner.

“People have stopped eating sandwiches at night,” she said in a phone interview Wednesday.

So starting April 1, the popular restaurant will feature an array of cold noodle dishes that are popular in Asian countries. Moongauklang said that although many Central Florida Asian restaurants often will feature a cold noodle dish on their menu, there isn’t one that specializes in them, offering an array of styles, ingredients and flavors. “I’m surprised there’s not a place doing it.”

“I’m a ramen head myself,” she said of the Japanese hot noodle soups that have become so popular in the last several years. “But if it’s 80 degrees at night I want something refreshing.”

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During the evenings, cold noodle entrees – which are usually served room temperature – will be the main offering. In fact, she said, sandwiches will not be available. “I’m even on the fence on whether I’ll offer teas,” she said.

Even the name of the restaurant may be different at night. “What do you think of Pom Pom’s Cold Big Bowl Noodle House?” she asked. No decision on the name has been made.

Moongauklang said that she will have gluten-free and vegan options in addition to nonvegetarian entrees. “I’m doing one that is a seafood yellow curry and egg noodle; very herbaceous.” She is also developing an oxtail udon dish and will make her own chili oils in house.

Pom Pom’s Teahouse & Sandwicheria opened in 2006. Moongauklang also developed – and then sold – Tako Cheena, the Mills 50 fusion restaurant. But she’s most excited about the cold noodle menu.

“I think this is my best concept yet.”

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