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Varan to lead tour to French wine regions

Written By Scott Joseph On March 16, 2023

Varan headshotTim Varan, owner of Tim’s Wine Markets, is teaming up with Art In Voyage to lead a trip to the Beaujolais and Burgundy wine regions. The trip is scheduled for September 18 through 25 and will include a trip to Lyon, known as the food capital of France, and accommodations in an 800-year-old chateau.

From AIV: “ In true Art in Voyage fashion, we will be staying in world-class accommodations and will enjoy spectacular cuisine throughout. We will be visiting estates with which Tim has a
long history, meeting their families, and learning why he feels they are so special. This will be the type of intimate experience that will help you appreciate all the hard work and precision that is required to produce world-class wines.”

For more details and to secure one of the very limited spaces, visit Art In Voyage.

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