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Tell Scott where to go…and go with him!

Written By Scott Joseph On February 2, 2023

Rome viewRome at sunset.

I’m once again partnering with Art In Voyage, the Orlando and Cape Town travel agency that specializes in food and wine journeys, to host several trips later this year and in 2024.

Some of the trips have already been decided – and I’ll share details about those soon – but we’d like your help in narrowing down the choices for future trips.

Below you’ll find a poll with several options. There are four curated journeys but each has a different date option. You may vote for any or all that fancy you. (You’re not committing to anything; no one will contact you for a down payment. We just want to gauge interest.)

South Steel SJO March AD copy

Marseille coveMarseille

Exact details will be hashed out later, but for the France trip I envision us meeting in Marseilles, the birthplace of bouillabaisse. We’ll visit a restaurant known for it (I know of a terrific place, hidden away on a waterfront cove), then the next day we’ll take a cooking class to learn how to make it.

Carcassonne is known for its cassoulet. We’ll do the same thing here – eat it one night and cook it the next day.

And then on to Bordeaux, because wine. This mirrors a trip I took several years ago and I’ve been longing to recreate it with Art In Voyage.

Ireland fishingFishing in Ireland

Another memorable trip I took was to Ireland, which is so much more than Irish stew and potatoes. I dined at a Michelin starred restaurant, learned the proper way to draw a pint of Guinness, visited the country’s only water-powered flour mill still in existence; and toured a state-of-the-art strawberry farm. I also fished on the Irish Sea then took my catch back to a cooking school and cooked it. I want you to have that same thrill.

Rome AperitvoA Roman aperitivo.

Rome and Barcelona were two cities I visited just last September and both offered culinary delights. I want to show you the best places to experience the Roman tradition of aperitivo. We’ll take a class to learn how to make pasta and classic Italian dishes. We’ll explore the trattorias of Trastevere. And in Barcelona we’ll experience the city’s exploding craft cocktail scene, taste Spanish wines, go on a tapas crawl and much more.

And the Azores? That one is an open slate and we’ll explore it together.

Which of those would you like to do, and when? Click the box next to the tour and then tap vote.

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