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Newsy Nuggets: Adrian’s/Fredster’s, Fat sandwiches, Ukraine fundraiser and a great name for a salad bar

Written By Scott Joseph On March 25, 2022

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Either Fredster’s, featuring Adrian’s Bar & Grill, or Adrian’s Bar & Grill/Fredster’s has (have) opened in Maitland. The way the name appears depends upon which site you’re viewing. The Adrian of the name is Adrian Mann, who was a partner in the Dexter’s Wine Bar restaurants from their early days. In the last days of that once-popular mini chain, it was arguably more Adrian’s than Dexter’s. So you’ll probably know what to expect when you visit. The other part of the name comes from Fred Badalli, a local musician. The restaurant/music venue (or music venue/restaurant) took over a space that had been home to the Silly Grape, at 1720 Fennell St.

Fat Shack, an unfortunately named franchise out of New Jersey, has opened its first Florida shop in Orlando near UCF. Sandwiches have names like Fat Cow and Fat Slob, which just makes me want to run right over there. (Literally run, to burn the 1450 calories the Fat Slob contains.)

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Pizza Bruno will open a location in College Park in the space previously occupied by The Pie, which sold squares of Roman style pizza al taglia. I recently had a pizza from the original Pizza Bruno on Curry Ford Road and was amazed that the price was more than $25. And we’re not talking huge pies.

Hari Pulapaka’s Global Cooking School is hosting a Ukraine Humanitarian Relief Fundraiser on Saturday, April 23, from 6 to 9 p.m. at The Center at Deltona. John Rivers, Kevin Fonzo and Toni Elkhouri are among the chefs who will be participating in the sit-down, multicourse dinner. Tickets are $100 and can be purchased here.

I was listening to 90.7 WMFE the other day when Nicole Darden Creston read a story that said warm weather was bringing an end to a program that fed manatees supplemental lettuce. And now I want someone to open a salad bar called Supplemental Lettuce. I mean, it’s a better name than Fat Sea Cow.

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