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Next drawing will have TWO winners

Written By Scott Joseph On February 18, 2022

Gift two

Congratulations to Matt Werner, most recent winner of our drawing for a restaurant gift certificate. Matt won a $50 certificate to the Tap Room at Dubsdread and he’s looking forward to using it the next time he’s in town – he lives in Austin, Tex., now. But he tells me he comes back to Orlando monthly, so his winnings will not go to waste.

In honor of the end of February coming up, which happens to coincide with my birthday, I’m going to give away TWO certificates next week.

As always, the winners will be selected from among the recipients of my surprisingly unannoying weekly newsletter. The newsletter is a handy compilation of the previous week’s reviews, news, nuggets and other stuff, all in one handy entirely deletable email. There are no strings and nothing to buy. If you’re not already signed up, you can do so here.

Winners are chosen at random using the selection feature at random.org. Each name on the newsletter list is associated with a number. I tell random.org how many names are on the list and it picks a number between 1 and the full total. I find the associated email address and send a notice with “A Note from Scott” in the message field.

That’s all there is to it.

Why do you have to sign up for the newsletter, you ask? Marketing, that’s why. Each newsletter is sponsored by one of Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide’s advertisers. Just a banner or two. No pop-up ads. No singing and dancing videos; just the banner. The advertisers like knowing that they’re being seen by readers who appreciate good restaurants and dining out.

So sign up and join us. You might win one of two certificates in next week’s drawing. And if you don’t win next week, you might win the week after that. Or the week after that. I give away a lot of gift certificates.

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We hope you find our reviews and news articles useful and entertaining. It has always been our goal to assist you in making informed decisions when spending your dining dollars. If we’ve helped you in any way, please consider making a contribution to help us continue our journalism. Thank you.

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