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Oudom Thai & Sushi still closed

Written By Scott Joseph On January 12, 2022

Oudom closed awning

Oudom Thai & Sushi, which had been ordered closed last week following a health inspection and which had planned to reopen on Tuesday after a “deep cleaning” but then moved the reopening to Wednesday, remains closed. A followup inspection posted on the website of the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation, the entity that oversees restaurant inspections, cited seven violations still in need of correcting, including two listed as high priority. Those violations deal with the inspector’s observation of live flying insects and live roaches.

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The restaurant was ordered closed following an inspection on Jan. 5 noted as “complaint full,” a type of inspection conducted as a result of a complaint received by DBPR. Another inspection was done on Monday, Jan. 10 and a third two days later. On Tuesday, the day that a sign on the door of the Thornton Park restaurant said it would reopen, someone who answered the phone said the opening was delayed for another day. No one answered the phone in the early afternoon of Wednesday.

Oudom opened in 2015 in the space that had previously been occupied by Graze, Prickly Pear, Lotus and Mingos. It was named for the original owner, Oudom Ketsatha, but was subsequently sold. Although the name remains, Ketsatha, who currently owns the nearby Osphere restaurant, is no longer involved with Oudom Thai & Sushi.

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