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Oudom Thai and Sushi restaurant ordered closed

Written By Scott Joseph On January 10, 2022

Oudom closed awning

Oudom, the Thai and Sushi restaurant in Thornton Park’s Sanctuary condominium complex, is closed. A sign on the window of the South Eola Drive business says the closing is “due to deep cleaning” and it will reopen on Tuesday, Jan. 11.

A bright orange sticker on the same window from the State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) reads, “This establishment is closed to protect public health and safety.” The sign has a date of Jan. 5.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

Oudom closed sign

Oudom closed sticker

According to inspection records on the DBPR website, 25 violations were noted in the Jan. 5 inspection including six listed as “high priority.” Those included: raw open shrimp over fries in stand up reach in freezer at cook line; raw tuna over ready to eat imitation crab stick on rolling rack in walk in cooler; 48 live roaches observed; 15 flying insects observed; and chemical bottle at server area next to clean plates.

Another inspection dated Jan. 10 shows 12 violations, three of them high priority, still outstanding, though it noted that live roaches spotted were down to nine and only two flying insects were observed. The Jan. 10 inspection noted that the facility remains closed until violations are corrected.

A call placed to the restaurant Monday morning went unanswered.

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