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Second Harvest hires new president and CEO

Written By Scott Joseph On December 3, 2021

Derrick Chubbs

Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida announced Friday that it has hired Derrick Chubbs as its new president and CEO. He will replace Dave Krepcho, who is retiring at the end of the year.

Chubbs is moving to Central Florida from Austin where he has held the same positions with Central Texas Food Bank for the past five years.

“Derrick is an accomplished business leader who is driven by a passion to help others, making him the ideal leader for Second Harvest,” board chairman Jeff Lutes said in a statement. “With thousands of families working to regain stable financial footing amid the pandemic, our work to feed hope has never been more important than it is right now. Derrick will further Dave’s legacy while positioning Second Harvest for the future.”

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Krepcho, 68, has led the organization since 2004. During that time he expanded the food bank’s distribution capabilities and oversaw enterprising initiatives, including the implementation of the Culinary Training Program to prepare students for jobs in food service, and launched a catering division and a signature food line as revenue streams.

Chubbs, 66, previously held positions with the American Red Cross as well as with for-profit companies IBM, Pervasive Software and Dell. He is a graduate of the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University and is nearing completion of his Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Texas. (Those credits are probably transferable to UCF.)

“Second Harvest has established itself as a national leader advocating for those experiencing food insecurity,” Chubbs said in the statement. “It is my honor and privilege to join this team as we continue with our relentless pursuit towards eliminating hunger in Central Florida.”

He will remain at Central Texas Food Bank through Dec. 31.

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