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Smoke & Donuts moving into wheelless location

Written By Scott Joseph On November 10, 2021

Smoke Donuts truck w KE sign 3x4 20211031 174957 02

Smoke & Donuts, a popular food truck, is going brick and mortar. Again.

S& D, which has been smoking and donuting in the A La Cart food truck court in the Milk District, is moving into a nonmoving space, and it doesn’t have far to drive. It will take over the former Kernel Encore Gourmet Popcorn building at the corner of Primrose Drive and Fairgreen Street.

Smoke & Donuts, which is owned by Ian Russell and his wife, Juliana Pena, will offer quick-serve lunch and dinner dine-in and takeout service. A catering arm that had been working out of a space in College Park will also relocate to the Milk District location, which is next door to Se7en Bites (donut wars!) and a block from the A La Cart court.

Previously, Smoke & Donuts had offered its barbecue and pastries in a Mills 50 restaurant space it shared with Belicoso Cigars & Cafe, now the home of Bites & Bubbles.

An opening date for the Milk District restaurant has not been announced.

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