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Orlando Restaurants Open for Thanksgiving Dinner

Written By Scott Joseph On November 8, 2021


As you consider your Thanksgiving plans, turn to our Holiday Dining listings. There you’ll find a roster of restaurants that will be serving Thanksgiving dinner, such as Historic Dubsdread, Knife & Spoon, Highball & Harvest, Primo and JW Marriott Orlando Bonnet Creek.

You’ll also find some restaurants that are offering prepared dinners that you can pick up and take home to pretend like you did all the cooking yourself, such as the Ritz-Carlton Turkey To Go. Although if I was going to pick up dinner for my guests from the Ritz Carlton I think I’d tell them where it’s from. It’s up to you.

Take a look at the listings here, and keep in mind that new information is coming in all the time so be sure to check back.

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