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Black Rooster closer to opening in Curry Ford West

Written By Scott Joseph On November 3, 2021

Black Rooster Logo

Black Rooster, the popular Mills 50 taqueria, is getting close to opening its second location, in Curry Ford West on the corner of Curry Ford Road and Crystal Lake Drive.

The restaurant is having an invitation-only VIP event on Nov. 12, but chef and owner John Calloway said Wednesday that it would not open to the public for about another week after that. Even then, it will likely be open initially only for dinner hours five days a week. 

The CFW Black Rooster will occupy a space in a converted ABC Fine Wine & Spirtis building that has a Floyd’s Barber Shop as its anchor.

Black Rooster apparently likes being close to Floyd’s – its original location, which opened in 2016 and is a past winner of the Best Taco Foodster Award for Independent Restaurants, is across Mills Avenue from Pig Floyd’s Barbacoa.

Calloway could not commit to a firm opening date but said it would follow some “friends and family” evenings while the team gets acquainted with its new digs.

I’m thinking Nov. 26 would be a good day for a grand opening – Black Rooster on Black Friday. It’s a nice hook.

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