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Cheese To Share (but you don’t have to) will open with Marketplace at Avalon Park Sept. 18

Written By Scott Joseph On September 1, 2021

Cheese Share Torres

The much-anticipated Marketplace at Avalon Park has finally announced an opening date – Sept 18 – and when that date rolls around, Cheese to Share will be among the vendors in the upscale food hall.

This will be a second location for Cheese to Share, which opened in Mount Dora in 2019. The shop is owned and operated by Luis and Erika Torres, pictured at top, along with their son, Luis, and will feature cheeseboards that customers can watch being assembled through the glass behind the counter. “We’re very artistic with our cheeseboards,” said the younger Luis Torres.

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“We’re trying to bring a different taste to Avalon Park,” he added. He said that his parents, who moved to Florida seven years ago from Venezuela, where they were attorneys, have always been passionate about the cheese world and a tapas style of eating. That’s what they hope to bring to their new location.

The shop will showcase both domestic and imported cheeses. And if you find something on your cheeseboard that you especially love, you can purchase some from the display case to take home with you.

Besides the boards, Cheese to Share will feature an array of specialty toasts and eventually will offer lunch items like soups, salads and sandwiches, all to be enjoyed with a glass of wine.

Fondues, which are available at the Mount Dora location, will offer a bit of a logistical challenge in a food hall setting, Torres said, but they’re working on that, too.

Marketplace at Avalon Park is at 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd., Orlando. After its grand opening on Sept. 18, it will be open for lunch and dinner daily.

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