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Drawbridge Up: White Castle retreats on ghost kitchen scheme

Written By Scott Joseph On February 26, 2021

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Well, you broke them.

After getting overrun when it opened its ghost kitchen on Tuesday, shutting down all of Wednesday then reopening and getting swamped again on Thursday, White Castle has decided to just wait until it opens its location at the Village at O-Town West sometime this spring.

The chain, known for its tiny burgers, which were the first to be called sliders, had arranged for space in the Dollins Avenue ghost kitchen in west Orlando. Customers were told they could order from a special menu to pick food up or have it delivered via Uber Eats. (The Dollins facility does not have space for dining onsite.) When the ordering site went live on Tuesday it was immediately overwhelmed by orders, too many for the limited kitchen space to handle.

The company announced through a publicist that it would take Wednesday off, presumably to lick its wounds, and reopen Thursday, but only for pickup.

The kitchen was inundated again by customers who for some reason apparently have no access to other burgers. Because the Dollins facility, shown above, has no drive through, people reportedly parked throughout the neighborhood, which is also home to Florida Probation and Parole Services, industrial sites and churches.

What’s driving the mayhem? Nostalgia, perhaps. Curiosity. Irrational crowd behavior and the lemming effect?

Whatever. I don’t care if the Orlando restaurant will be the biggest in the chain, I will not be anywhere near it when it finally starts flipping burgers.

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