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Newsy Nuggets: Free sandwiches to those in need and other stuff

Written By Scott Joseph On December 23, 2020

Nurturing Day

Bad As’s, the award-winning sandwich shop, plans to give away takeaway sandwiches Wed., Dec. 23, for what it is calling Nurturing Day.

Owner John Collazo said that he’s offering the giveaway as a thank-you to customers that have supported him and his restaurants over the past several months.

The prepacked meals – meant for those facing food insecurity but no one is asking questions – will be handed out at the Milk District location, 207 N. Primrose Drive, only beginning at 5 p.m. and continuing through 8 o’clock or until the food is gone. The initiative is supported by sponsors and donors, including Se7enbites, Valhalla Bakery, Foxtail Coffee, Robo Candelario, Alers Law Firm, Latin American Pawn Shop, Alfredo Kierszman, and the Milk District.

South Steel SJO March AD copy
  • Speaking of the Milk District, several of its restaurants and other businesses will be participating in a monthlong promotion of plant-based options. It begins Jan. 1 and during the event the area will cheekily call itself the Almond Milk District. (I’d say it was tongue-in-cheek but tongue is an animal product.) For a list of participating businesses, visit the website.
  • Orlando’s City District – no, I didn’t know we had a City District either – is sponsoring Dine Around the District through Jan. 3. During the D.A.D. promotion, restaurants will offer prix fixe menus with prix’s fixed at $8, $15 or $35. Some of the participants include 534 Scratch Kitchen, Artisan’s Table, The Boheme, CFS Coffee, Crepe Delicious, Dapper Duck, Downtown PourHouse, Grilled Cheezus, Hamburger Mary’s and Mai Thai. What they’re offering I have no idea; details are skant. I do know that Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve are blackout dates. (New Year’s Day is usually a blackout date for me, but don’t get me started.)
  • The Department of Labor established a new rule Tuesday that allows restaurant owners to take the tips earned by servers and bartenders to pay back of the house workers such as cooks and dishwashers. The regulation would also allow restaurateurs to demand that tipped employees perform more nontipped duties like cleaning. The new rule would negate the current 80-20 guideline that stipulates such duties can’t comprise more than 20 percent of a tipped worker’s shift. This directive allows business owners to give more money to low-income workers without actually giving them a raise.

I forget who runs the Department of Labor; I think it’s Ebenezer something.

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