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Socially Distanced Fireworks Saturday at Grande Lakes Orlando

Written By Scott Joseph On July 2, 2020


GL Fireworks

Fireworks displays are going to be scarce this year. That’s understandable.

But Grande Lakes Orlando, home of the Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott, will host a fireworks display, and you can see it and enjoy a socially distanced dinner, as well.

Here’s the plan. Make a dinner reservation for Saturday, July 4, at Highball & Harvest (or Primo, Whisper Creek Farm: The Kitchen or Bleu) and when it’s time for the fireworks (9 p.m. sharp), you’ll be invited to a separated area where you and your family can enjoy the show safely.

And if your dinner table has a view of the lake, as many of them at H&H do, you can just stay seated and watch from there.

Grande Lakes has put together a comprehensive set of safety guidelines that include staff screening, frequent cleansing, traffic control, and mandatory face coverings for staff.

You’ll be asked to wear a mask, too. So during the fireworks, those muffled oohs and ahhs might sound more like muuh and ahhm, but the effect will be the same.

You’re definitely going to want to make a reservation, so visit the resort’s dining pages for information.


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