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The Whiskey Closed Until Further Notice

Written By Scott Joseph On June 26, 2020

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Note: Consider this further notice: The Whiskey will reopen on Friday, July 3.

Due to Friday’s announcement by the State of Florida for bars to immediately cease all on-premise consumption of alcohol, The Whiskey, a popular Restaurant Row watering hole, has closed until further notice.

The ban on alcohol consumption in bars was made by Halsey Beshears, secretary of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, which oversees liquor licenses in the state, on Twitter, because that apparently has become the official method of broadcasting important, life-altering information.

The decision was made after Florida reported nearly 9,000 new cases of COVID-19 Friday.

Earlier in the week, the Knight’s Pub, a bar near UCF, had its liquor license suspended after allegations the management was not enforcing social distancing guidelines. In addition, a number of bars and restaurants have closed voluntarily after employees and guests have tested  positive for the coronavirus.

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