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Tori Tori, Too

Written By Scott Joseph On June 20, 2020

Toritori exterior

Tori Tori, the trendy Mills 50 cocktail lounge and Japanese restaurant, announced Saturday that it was closing temporarity as a precautionary measure.

“Due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases and local law,” the company posted on its Facebook page,  “we will be closing temporarily to restructure our operations. To date, none of our working staff have tested positive but we want to take extra precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our customers and staff.”

It announced that it has hired a sanitation crew to deep clean the building and would reopen when that is complete with new regulations regarding masks and temperature checks. No date for reopening was given.

Neighboring bar Will’s Pub closed Friday after learning that a patron who been there Thursday night received a positive test result for COVID-19.

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