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Pharmacy Latest to Close Due to Infected Staff

Written By Scott Joseph On June 20, 2020

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Pharmacy, the craft cocktail bar and speakeasy restaurant in the Dellagio Plaza, is the latest to close after learning that a staff member has tested positive for COVID-19.

A note addressed “Dear Phrmacy Family” on its Facebook page read: 

“As you may know, there has been a rise in the cases in Florida due to Covid 19 infections. In an abundance of caution to keep you, our staff and our farmers safe we have chosen to close down temporarily due to an employee that has tested positive today for Covid 19. We will Re-open July 13th.”

Other restaurants or bars that have closed after learning that employees or customers had tested positive include Kiwi’s Pub & Grill; the Citrus Club; and Will’s Pub. Texas Roadhouse in Oviedo is also closed because of “staffing issues,” which some say is related to a report that three employees had tested positive for the virus last week.

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