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Mills 50 Bars Closed After Patron Tests Positive

Written By Scott Joseph On June 19, 2020

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Mills 50 bars Will’s Pub, Lil Indies and Dirty Laundry are closed “at least through the weekend” after a customer who patronized them Thursday night received notice Friday that a test for COVID-19 had come back positive.

Owner Will Walker posted on his Facebook page that people who were in the bars between approximately 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. Thursday may have been exposed. The customer, he wrote, was “in [an] especially loving mood and hugged people.” He added parenthetically that people should stop f-ing doing that.

Walker wrote that through a video he was able to identify some patrons who had contact with the person who has tested positive and has notified those people.

He said the bars would be closed so they could be cleaned and the staff could be tested.

“Here’s how this works,” Walker wrote, “if you’re f-ing sick stay home. If you feel bad enough to get a test… quarantine yourself. If you go out before you get your results you are a danger to everyone around you. You not only can get people sick you can shut down an entire business with your actions.”

He added: “Please be careful out there. Apparently people aren’t looking out for each other.”

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