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Hopdoddy Burger Bar Closes at Pointe Orlando, Only Florida Location

Written By Scott Joseph On May 19, 2020

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Hopdoddy, the Austin-based burger bar, has permanently closed its restaurant at Pointe Orlando. It had taken over the space that was previously occupied by Funky Monkey in February of 2019. It was the Texas company’s first and only Florida location.

A statement on the Orlando Hopdoddy Facebook page Monday blamed the pandemic.

“We are bummed to share we’ve made the tough decision to permanently close our home in Orlando, something we’ve never done before.

“This was one of the most difficult decisions we’ve ever had to make, but we do it with hope to strengthen our ability to navigate forward after COVID-19.”

The company also closed a location in Memphis and one in Southlake, Tex. There are approximately 30 remaining Hopdoddies, mainly in Texas, where there are 21, with the rest in Arizona, California, Colorado and Tennessee.

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