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Orange County has Masks and Sanitizer for Small Businesses

Written By Scott Joseph On May 15, 2020

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Orange County is providing personal protection equipment kits containing masks and hand sanitizer to small businesses at no cost. The PPE may be of use to restaurants operating within Orange County during the Phase 1 reopening.

Interested small businesses, defined as having one to 40 employees, must fill out an online form and schedule a pickup appointment for either Tues., May 19, or Wed., May 20. Pickup sites will be set up throughout the county’s six districts.

Priority will be given to businesses that recently reopened or are eligible to reopen under the state’s Phase 1 guidelines and to “small businesses that indicate they have been unable to obtain PPE for their employees due to financial hardship and/or supply chain scarcities,” according the the county’s website.

The kits are being assembled using one million masks and 200,000 2-ounce bottles of hand sanitizer recently obtained by Orange County.

For more information, visit the Orange County Recovery Task Force website.

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