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Sugarbuzz, Award-winning Bakery, Closes

Written By Scott Joseph On May 11, 2020

Sugarbuzz foodster jamesOwner Ron James with his 2018 Foodster Award for Best Dessert.

Sugarbuzz Dezert Company, a College Park bakery and 2018 winner of the Best Dessert Foodster Award, announced Friday that it has permanently closed.

Owners Ron James and Walt Parks made the announcement in a post on the bakery’s Facebook page.

To all of our valued Sugarbuzz family. It is with great sadness to announce that as of today we have permanently closed.

From our humble beginnings at Farmer’s Markets in 2011 to today, we truly appreciate the love and support that you have given us and we have enjoyed making your life a little sweeter.

The note concluded by saying there was a “silver lining” and a “next chapter” to be announced “in a few weeks” (though that may be amended to a few days).

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