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Restaurants Adapt to Offer New Services, Goods

Written By Scott Joseph On April 13, 2020

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There was a television ad several years ago – I don’t recall what it was for, which is not a good thing for an advertisement – that mused in a futuristic way that a retail space could adapt throughout the day to serve different clientele. As I recall, the shop was a clothing store during the day, then in the evening the display shelves would slide away and tables and chairs would flip out of the walls. Then suddenly it was a restaurant for the night.

I’ve been thinking about that ad as I see restaurants trying to adapt and change to meet the needs of their customers. Many, we’ve seen, have had to switch from dine-in operations to strictly takeout and delivery. That’s not as easy as you’d think, but many are adjusting just fine, as you can see from my recent reviews of Takeout Cuisine.

Something else that’s being tried by some is to offer market goods as part of their takeout menu. Not exactly a full general store, but items that might come in handy.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

4 Rivers has been offering limited groceries at its barbecue restaurants and the Coop in Winter Park with such staples as milk, eggs, sugar, flour and spaghetti. Plus essentials as the mystifyingly in-demand toilet paper. You can preorder all that is offered online.

New Standard is getting into the game, too, with the announcement of its Market + Bakeshop. It will have limited produce, such as tomatoes and lettuce, plus pastas, sauces and breads. Meats and eggs, too, according to an announcement from the Winter Park restaurant, though none of those items are listed online, as yet.  And all items must be preordered – orders placed on Monday will be available for pickup or delivery on Wednesdays and Wednesday orders will be available Fridays.

The Bakeshop is offering Sunday baked goods and is being literal about that. You must order your muffins, scones or cinnamon buns by Thursday for Sunday availability. Not sure what time you can get them on Sundays, but I’d think you’d want your cinnamon buns in the morning.

And yes, New Standard has toilet paper, too.

Know of anyone else offering more than prepared meals? Leave a note in the comments.

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