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An Inside Look at Knife & Spoon, Steakhouse Replacing Norman’s at the Ritz

Written By Scott Joseph On April 10, 2020

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For those of you who are tired of hearing about the temporarily shuttered restaurants and are longing for the day we can all gather in one for a communal meal that doesn’t require logging on to Zoom, here’s something to look forward to.

In the short video below, Jon McGavin, area general manager at Grande Lakes, Orlando, gives a quick tour through the construction zone of Knife & Spoon, the restaurant that is taking over the former Norman’s space. At the top of this page, you’ll see the artist’s rendering of what the main dining area will look like, and in the video you’ll see the mossy hillock that will be centered in the room.

Knife & Spoon will be headed by chef John Tesar, who has two Dallas steakhouses called Knife. The Orlando restaurant will apparently have more cutlery. I’m especially looking forward to reviewing the restaurant when it opens because I hear Tesar has a great relationship with critics.

What, you want to know when it’s going to open? You’re kidding, right? I’m guessing it’s going to be ready and waiting for us once we get the all-clear signal or we hear those Optimistic Voices from the Wizard of Oz start singing: “You’re out of the woods/You’re out of the dark/You’re out of the night.” I don’t know about you but I’ll be ready for a good steak by then.

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