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Closings: Old Jailhouse

Written By Scott Joseph On April 6, 2020

Old Jailhouse extrior

Add Old Jailhouse Sanford to the list of restaurants that are closed until further notice due to the covid-19 crisis.

Restaurant spokeswoman Geraldine Fowler wrote Monday:

“On behalf of the Jailhouse family, we have come to the decision to close our doors temporarily for the interest of the safety of our team and the community.

We have every intention to resume serving our community once again once restrictions are lifted and we feel it is safe again to do so.

Thank you to our community as well for supporting us through this difficult time.
We appreciate your continuous efforts to support local business.

We look forward to having the pleasure to bring the experience of the jailhouse to you, your friends and family once again in the near future.

Until then, please remember to stay safe and positive!”

Old Jailhouse opened a year ago in a building that at one time had been the Seminole County jail. (More recenlty it had been a dry cleaners and the offices of the health department.) It was voted Best New Restaurant and Best Restaurant Overall in the 2019 Foodster Awards for Independent Restaurants.

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