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Raglan Road Offers Bonus Gift Cards to Benefit Staff

Written By Scott Joseph On April 2, 2020

Raglan giftcard

The owners of Raglan Road Irish Pub & Restaurant at Disney Springs are selling online gift cards with all proceeds going to benefit the pub’s out-of-work staff members.

And here’s a nice bonus: For a limited time, purchase a $50 card and owners Paul Nolan and John Cooke will but an extra 25 bucks on it, giving you $75 worth of credit. Is it too early to be thinking of some really good holiday gifts you can get as a bargain? I don’t think so, and we certainly hope that by December the pub and everyone else will be back to the business of having a good time. Of course, you can buy some cards to gift to yourself, as well.

You can get a physical card mailed to you or someone else, an electronic card or text message card at this direct link. For every $50 you spend another $25 will be automatically added on a checkout.

RR closed its doors in the middle of its annual multi-day Mighty St. Patrick’s Festival, one of the more popular events surrounding St. Patrick’s Day. Some of the entertainers, servers and other Irish cast members caught hastily arranged flights back to Ireland to be with their families. Others have remained here, but with al Disney Springs restaurants closed and not even able to offer takeout, they are without incomes.

“Many of our staff who make your visits to the pub memorable have been affected economically by this pandemic, so we’ve set up a special edition Raglan Road gift card with 100 percent of the proceeds going to support our employees in this challenging time,” said pub general manager Alan Delahunt. “In the meantime, we have had a tremendous amount of support from all of you, our guests, and we thank you for your lovely messages. We hope to be back with you very soon.”

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