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Disney Springs Update: Earl Enterprise Restaurants Open

Written By Scott Joseph On March 17, 2020

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Update on the update: Planet Hollywood, Chicken Guy and Earl of Sandwich are closed as of Tuesday evening.

Contrary to information given by a staff member at Planet Hollywood Monday, the movie-themed restaurant did not close at midnight along with most other Disney Springs businesses and remains open until further notice. The other Earl Enterprises restaurants, Earl of Sandwich and Chicken Guy, are also open Tuesday.

Walt Disney World announced Monday that it would close all of its company owned and operated businesses at the entertainment, retail and dining complex at least through the rest of the month but that some independent restaurants may remain open. It advises anyone wanting to visit a restaurant there to call ahead to check on hours.

Among those that chose to close is Raglan Road. Today, March 17, is St. Patrick’s Day, historically the popular pub’s busiest day of the year.

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