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Party Planned as David Ramirez Chocolates Turns 10

Written By Scott Joseph On January 31, 2020

David Ramirez chocolates david

David Ramirez Chocolates is about to celebrate its 10th anniversary and David, Nicole and the whole gang of chocolatiers are hosting a party to celebrate.

The event is Fri., Feb. 7, from 5 to 9 p.m. at DRC headquarters and candy-making facility, 2154 Central Florida Parkway, Suite B-8, Orlando. It’s free but they ask that you let them know that you’re coming by visiting the registration page.

You can drop in anytime during the event and say hi, maybe watch some confections being created, perhaps taste a few and congratulate them on the milestone.

I’ll certainly be there. David Ramirez Chocolates are one of my favorite gifts to give. I like keeping some for myself even more.

Congratulations on turning 10.


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