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Local Restaurant has Cameo in Latest Grisham Novel

Written By Scott Joseph On November 18, 2019

Grisham coverIt’s always exciting when there’s a new John Grisham novel. But it’s even more exciting when there’s a little bit of local color included.

Grisham’s latest, “The Guardians,” takes place in Florida and at one point the protagonist sets up a rendezvous with a woman who suggests a place for them to meet. “There’s a place called Christner’s on Lee Road. Let’s meet there. And Dutch treat.”

That would be Christner’s Prime Steak & Lobster. Co-owner David Christner showed me the passage when I was having dinner there recently and said he had no idea the popular steakhouse would have a cameo in the book or how it came about.

One would assume Grisham visited the restaurant for research. After all, he knew enough about to place to have the character suggest sharing the bill.

Grisham passage

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