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Restaurants Open on Thanksgiving in Orlando

Written By Scott Joseph On November 4, 2019


Here they come. Nothing you can do to stop it. It would be like a snowball rolling down a hill if Florida had snowballs. Or hills.

It’s the holidays, and that means it’s time for holiday dining.

Once again Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide is compiling lists of restaurants that will be serving special holiday meals. First up: Thanksgiving.

Check out the Thanksgiving listing page and look through the various offerings. Once you’ve found a restaurant you like, make your reservations right away. Because of the limited number of restaurants open on that day – Nov. 28 – they fill up pretty quickly. To ensure you get a space at a decent time, book now.

Also, if your plans change – say that invitation to a friend’s house comes through – be sure to call the restaurant and cancel so that someone else can fill your spot.

And if you do dine out on Thanksgiving, be patient. Even if you have a reservation time, be aware that you may have to wait. People who dine out on holidays tend to linger longer at their tables.

Oh, and here’s another tip: Maybe don’t linger so long after your meal because other people may be waiting for your table.

And please, above all, be extra kind to the servers who are working on the holidays to provide you with a pleasant dining experience.

Check the list often as it will be updated as new information comes in.

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