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Preview of the 10th Annual Swan and Dolphin Food & Wine Classic

Written By Scott Joseph On October 24, 2019

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With the Swan and Dolphin Food and Wine Classic coming up, I went out to the Walt Disney World resort for a preview of some of the dishes that will be served this year. And while I was there I spoke with food and beverage director Luciano Sperduto and executive chef Dan Herman about the event. Check out the video below.

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Some of my favorites included the Dragon Roll from Kimonos; the Smoked Duroc Pork Belly from Smokin’ D’s BBQ; the crab cake slider from Garden Grove; and of course the Roasted Angus Beef Tenderloin from Shula’s steakhouse.

Besides the food, the event features a number of seminars.

The event occupies the causeway between the two hotels and the surrounding areas next to the waterway.

There will be live entertainment and plenty of food and drink for everyone.

The Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Food & Wine Classic will be held Friday, November 8 and Saturday, November 9 from 5:30pm – 9:00 p.m. For ticket information, visit swandolphinfoodandwineclassic.com.

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