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FusionFest Looking for Culturally Diverse Restaurants for 2020 Dining Series

Written By Scott Joseph On October 23, 2019

Fusionfest Serbia Terry

FusionFest, the ethnically diverse celebration that takes place in downtown Orlando the weekend following Thanksgiving, is endeavoring to continue the cultural exploration throughout 2020 with the initiation of FusionFest Diversitastic! Dining Club.

Once a month, FFD!DC will select a restaurant from among Central Florida’s diverse collection of cuisines to showcase. The dinners will feature a speaker to explain the heritage of the food and culture of the country or region.

FusionFest is inviting restaurants to apply to be a part of the 10-month dining adventure (July and December excepted). Applicants should expect a group of 35 to 100 diners and should offer a menu of representative foods for about $35. Participating restaurants should feature a decor appropriate to the country or culture. Ideally, the restaurant should have a private room for the event.

Interested restaurants can apply to be considered for the inaugural year of Diversitastic! at FusionFest.org/restaurant. Deadline for applications is Nov. 1. Selected restaurants will be notified by Nov. 18 and tickets will go on sale at this year’s FusionFest at the end of November.

Note: I am serving on the steering committee for FusionFest’s Diversitastic! Dining Club (but I did not choose the name).

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