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Felipe Rodriguez Closed; Sale of Dexter’s Thornton Park Rumored

Written By Scott Joseph On October 14, 2019

Felipe door

Felipe Rodriguez Tequila House, the Tex-Mex restaurant in Thornton Park, closed Sunday after just over five months in operation. In addition, Dexter’s of Thornton Park is expected to be sold to new buyers this week, according to someone with that restaurant.

Both businesses are owned by the same group of investors and both are advertisers on SJO.

A deal is said to have been reached with a buyer for the Felipe space. No details have been released, but it will almost certainly not continue as Felipe Rodriguez, which was named for a fictitious Mexican tequila maker.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

Felipe Rodriguez opened in early May in the space that had previously been the original location of Graffiti Junktion and, earlier, Thornton Park Cafe. The current owners had put a permanent roof over what had been a tented area and made other improvements.

The four Dexter’s locations were sold to separate entities a year ago. The Windermere location closed during the summer. The Winter Park Dexter’s also closed Sunday and is moving to the Ravaudage Plaza and rebranding, becoming Dexter’s New Standard. It will begin by-invitation preview dinners on Friday. So far, Dexter’s of Lake Mary remains the same.

If a deal is announced for the Thornton Park Dexter’s, it, too, is expected to house a new concept.

Although it was the second location for the wine bar concept developed in the 1980s by Dexter Richardson, the Thornton Park restaurant has been in its location longer than any of the others, more than 25 years.

This story is developing.

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