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Next Supper Club a Harvest Dinner at Raglan Road

Written By Scott Joseph On September 19, 2019

raglan dancers

I’m pleased to announce that our next Supper Club will be a Harvest Dinner at Raglan Road, Disney Springs. We’ll convene at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17, for a cocktail reception followed by a multi-course meal of Irish inspired cuisine with pairings of ales, lagers and ciders.

This will be a good chance to meet Raglan Road’s new executive chef, Mark O’Neill, and to see (and taste) his vision for the popular restaurant’s menu. O’Neill, as I told you in an earlier article, is a native Irishman who has cooked in top restaurants in Ireland, Europe and Britain, including the two Michelin-starred Green House in London.

I certainly like what I see on the special menu that he’s put together for our Supper Club. I’m especially anxious to try the fish course and those parmesan and dill gnocchi. I’ve posted the menu below so you can take a look for yourself.

Tickets for the dinner are $100 plus booking fee, with tax and gratuity included. The retail price of this dinner would be $185 but the folks at Raglan Road are offering this special price exclusively for readers of the flog. Follow this link to the Supper Club event page. Seating, of course, is limited, so be sure to book right away.

Looking forward to seeing you at this Supper Club and enjoying the great food and entertainment that Raglan Road always provides.

Raglan Supper Club menu 

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