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It’s our 10th anniversary! Here’s an offer to tap into

Written By Scott Joseph On May 14, 2019

tap room steve and lori

Ten years ago today a switch was flipped and Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide came online.

In that time, we’ve published over one thousand restaurant reviews — an average of two per week, more than any other local media publication. And we’ve been your source for breaking news and updates about the local culinary scene. I’ve always referred to it as the flog — a food blog — but it’s actually a full-service website and database of restaurant information.

It takes a lot to keep a site like this running. I’m grateful for all the sponsors who have supported the journalism here over the years. And I’d especially like to to thank Steve Gunter of the Tap Room at Dubsdread. The Tap Room was the first one to sign on and has been an advertiser for the entire decade.

And if you’ve never read my advertiser policy, you can see it here. But this is the gist: Only restaurants whose quality is worthy of recommending to our readers will be accepted as advertisers. Nicole Spooner of Mpact Orlando Marketing, exclusive representative for SJO, can tell you that I’ve turned down numerous restaurants. (And there have been a few over the years that met the standards but whose quality sagged; those were not invited to continue.)

But the Tap Room certainly met all the qualifications, and still does. In fact, I recently presented the 2018 Best Burger Foodster plaque to Gunter and the Tap Room’s general manager, Lauren Durchslag, shown at top.

So in celebration of 10 years of flogging — and through Gunter’s generosity — we’re going to give away two gift certificates, each worth $50 to the Tap Room at Dubsdread. It’s my way of thanking you for being a reader, because frankly, if no one was reading this there wouldn’t be much reason to keep doing it.

As always, the winning names will be drawn at random from the list of recipients of my weekly (and surprisingly unannoying) e-letter. If you are already on the list, you’re already entered for this and all future drawings.

If you’re not on the list, you can be in just a few seconds. Click on the box on the right side of the page that says Scott’s Newsletter (or click here). Put in your details and you’re done. Before each drawing, I download the current list of recipients into a numbered spreadsheet and enter the total line number at random.org, which generates a true random number. I find that line on the spreadsheet and notify that person through the associated email address (so it’s important that you leave a valid email address). Winners should look for an email with A Note from Scott in the subject line.

And there should be lots of drawings, usually one each week. I hope to keep that going for another 10 years.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

We hope you find our reviews and news articles useful and entertaining. It has always been our goal to assist you in making informed decisions when spending your dining dollars. If we’ve helped you in any way, please consider making a contribution to help us continue our journalism. Thank you.

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