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Dexter’s of Winter Park is moving

Written By Scott Joseph On May 3, 2019

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Dexter’s of Winter Park plans to move to the former TR Fire Grill & Lounge space from its current location in Hannibal Square.

According to Adrian Mann, the owner of the building that houses Dexter’s has not renewed the leases for any of the business occupants. He did not know what the plans are for the current space. The move is expected to occur in July.

Dexter’s was founded in the 1980s by Dexter Richardson as a retail wine and sandwich shop on lower Park Avenue. In 1988 he moved it to a space on Fairbanks Avenue where the Rollins College bookstore now stands. Mann joined him as a partner and the menu expanded beyond sandwiches. When it moved from that location, in 1999, to the then emerging Hanibal Square neighborhood, the retail wine shop part of the business was dropped.

Last fall, the four-restaurant chain was sold and split up among different investors. 

TR Fire Grill & Lounge closed the restaurant at 1035 N. Orlando Ave. in Feburary of 2018.

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