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Cuisiniers celebrates 21 years as one of Central Florida’s premier caterers

Written By Scott Joseph On February 18, 2019


Today we salute our friends at Cuisiniers Catered Cuisine and Events as they celebrate 21 years as one of Central Florida’s premier catering companies.

In the video below, executive chef Jamie McFadden talks about the journey from a small company with just a few employees to one with a fleet of six trucks transporting food to up to 30 events each week.

I first experienced McFadden’s food in 1992 when he opened his restaurant, Mimi’s Cafe, in Longwood. It was a small place but it was clear that McFadden had a talent for creative cuisine. His crab cakes were especially memorable. In fact, they’re still one of his most popular items at Cuisiniers, which goes through almost 800 pounds of crabmeat every year.

Congratulations to McFadden and all the staff at Cuisiniers. Here’s to many more years of creatively catered events — and more and more crab cakes.

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