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Cinco has closed

Written By Scott Joseph On February 12, 2019

Cinco exterior

Well, it is pronounced sinko.

Cinco Tacos + Tequila has closed. The restaurant, which took over the former Carmel Kitchen Wine Bar in Winter Park, had been open only seven months or so.

Back in July, in those first weeks, Cinco was so packed that valet parking was almost mandatory. Who wants to valet park at a taco joint? But the crowds didn’t last

My review, published on Nov. 15, after the new had worn off, may offer a clue as to why its popularity waned. “Unfortunately, much of what I had on my dinner visit was unexciting and bland. It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t good, like fill-the-parking-lot, wait-listed good.”

Cinco’s backers included former NSYNCer Chris Kirkpatrick and actor Mario Lopez. So, no, Cinco couldn’t be Saved By the Mario.

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