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Happy New Year, and Thanks to Everyone Who Makes the Flog Possible

Written By Scott Joseph On January 1, 2019

As we start a new year here at Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide, I want to take a moment to thank the people who make it possible.

David Clow is the site manager and coding genius. He keeps things running smoothly and jumps in when things get wonky. Websites are always wonky.

And Nicole Spooner of Mpact Orlando, the sole approved representative for advertising on the site. Nicole and her team, including newcomers Gary Appelsies and Amie Hardin. And a thanks to Tiffany Hartmann for all her work in the past year.

Nicole and Mpact handle the requests from restaurants, hotels and other businesses that would like to advertise on these pages. They also manage the social media and eletter placements that are part of an advertiser’s package.

And speaking of advertisers, they allow us to keep the site free and accessible without the need for a subscription model or paywall. As you know if you’ve read my policy about advertisers, we accept only those businesses who maintain a certain level of quality. As Nicole could tell you, I’ve rejected a number of restaurants that have contacted her about advertising in these pages, and we’ve also dropped one or two over the years when their quality flagged.

So you can be assured that the advertisers you see throughout the site — and gathered here below — are worthy of your dining dollars. And I hope that when you visit them you’ll tell them that you saw their ad and thank them for supporting us.

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And joining us in the New Year…

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If you have a restaurant and business you’d like to present to the readers of Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide, contact Nicole Spooner at Mpact Orlando.

And of course the biggest thanks go to you. If you didn’t visit the site and subscribe to the eletter, there’d be no reason for me to continue to provide coverage of restaurant news and the critiques that, one hopes, help you to make informed dining decisions.

Happy New Year, and here’s to satisfying dining throughout 2019.


We hope you find our reviews and news articles useful and entertaining. It has always been our goal to assist you in making informed decisions when spending your dining dollars. If we’ve helped you in any way, please consider making a contribution to help us continue our journalism. Thank you.

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