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Sale of 2 Dexter’s Restaurants Finalized

Written By Scott Joseph On November 15, 2018

dexter pie

As I first reported last month, the Dexter’s restaurants in Thornton Park and Winter Park have been sold to a group that includes Graffiti Junktion founder Greg Peters. Peters confirmed Wednesday that the sale had been finalized.

Drew Weisner, who has been with Dexter’s for several years, will oversee the operations of the two restaurants, Peters said. Speaking by phone, Peters said that they plan to restore the restaurants to their earlier, more popular days and will bring back some old menu favorites, including the Chicken Tortilla Pie. (The Chicken Tortilla Pie, shown above, was always a guilty pleasure of mine.)

Other key staff members are expected to be kept on, and guests probably won’t start noticing any changes for another month, I’m told.

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