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McLaughlin Fired from K Restaurant Post

Written By Scott Joseph On September 27, 2018


MclaughlinRyan McLaughlin, the former sous chef under Kevin Fonzo at K restaurant who took his place when the restaurant was sold, was fired Wednesday by owner Chad Phelps.

Reached by phone Thursday morning, McLaughlin said he was dismissed because he had hired someone to work in the kitchen without getting prior approval. “I hired somebody last week because it’s hard to find [kitchen] talent,” McLaughlin said, “and I didn’t tell Chad.

“I figured I’d act and ask for forgiveness later.”

Phelps was not immediately available for comment.

McLaughlin was not sure who would be tapped to take over the executive chef position at K, which is one of the area’s most acclaimed restaurants.

He said he had already received a couple of phone calls from people offering him work. But he said he planned to “take my time to think about the kind of place I want to work and the kind of food I want to cook.” He planned to spend Thursday fishing.

Out of solidarity, McLaughlin said, the person he hired last week quit when McLaughlin was let go.

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