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Shakers American Cafe Celebrates 25 Years of Great Food

Written By Scott Joseph On August 8, 2018

Shakers interior

Just what was it about 1993?

We’ve been noting restaurant milestones all year, and while we did have one golden anniversary — Beefy King — the majority have been silver.

Add to that list Shakers American Cafe on Edgewater Drive in College Park. It was in August of 1993 that the breakfast and lunch spot first opened. (The 23d is the official date.) The original owner named the restaurant for the collection of salt and pepper shakers that not only sit on each table but occupy space on shelves and in every nook and cranny. According to the current owners, Greg and Terry Granda, guests were offered a free piece of pie for every set they donated. The pie is pretty darned good so the collection has grown over the years.

The Grandas are the fourth owners, purchasing the business in 2014. They were College Park residents and fans of Shakers, so when the opportunity came to take it over, they jumped at it. Greg Granda had studied at the Culinary Institute of American and cooked in several New York City restaurants, so they were familiar with the business. They’ve kept up the quality, keeping many of the original favorites, including the Grilled Blueberry Muffin, and have grown the patronage — and the collection of shakers.

Here’s an edited version of a Facebook Live broadcast I did with the Grandas from the restaurant recently.

Congratulations to Shakers and here’s to another great 25 years.

Shakers American Cafe is at 1308 Edgewater Drive, Orlando. It is open for breakfast and lunch daily. The phone number is 407-422-3534.

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