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Mykonos Returns

Written By Scott Joseph On July 27, 2018

Mykonos interior Finucan

After nearly 22 months, Mykonos, the popular Longwood Greekery, reopened last week in the same retail plaza where it first started serving in 2000. It is not, however, in the same space.

As reported here in January, the restaurant was forced to close when the management of Springs Plaza did not renew its lease. The space was needed for a medical clinic to expand. So owner Tina Karoutsos set her sights on another space in the plaza.

But turning the new space into a restaurant took much longer than expected (as it often does). Even in January, Karoutsos was estimating that Mykonos would be back in operation in March.

But if the photos of the place (the one above courtesy of reader Jack Finucan) are any indication, the wait was worth it. It looks great. I hear that some of the former employees have also returned.

Now, let’s see if the food is as wonderful as it was before.

Mykonos is at 145 Wekiva Springs Rd, Ste 133, Longwood.

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