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10th Downtown Food & Wine Fest is This Weekend

Written By Scott Joseph On February 23, 2018

DT food wine

The 10th annual Downtown Food & Wine Fest Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 24 and 25, in downtown, of course.

More specifically, it’s along Robinson Street next to Lake Eola Park. Actually, some of it even spills onto the east end of the park. That’s usually where the stage is set up.

The stage is for the various bands that will play throughout the weekend, including nationally known musicians and local groups. It really should be called the Downtown Food, Wine and Music Fest.

This event differs from others in that you pay a nominal fee to enter the fest area then purchase food and drink tickets to sample what the numerous restaurants and wine vendors are offering. Depending on the item and the size of the portion, one, two or three tickets might be required. It’s handy when you don’t want to commit to a three ticket glass of wine — you can taste it for one ticket then decide if you want more.


On Thursday I chatted with event spokesman Jay Edwards at Hubbly Bubbly on Orange Avenue about the fest. Hubbly Bubbly is one of this year’s participating restaurants. Take a look at the Facebook Live video we did with the folks at icFlorida. I also spoke with Georgie — just Georgie, like Cher — who showed me how to make a falafel sandwich.

You can get more fest and ticket details at this link.

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