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Foodster Award Presented to Santiago’s Bodega for Best Brunch

Written By Scott Joseph On November 22, 2017

santiago foodster

I recently presented the Foodster Award for Independent Restaurants to Santiago’s Bodega, which won the Platinum level plaque for Best Brunch. Above, chef Anthony Albino accepts the award on behalf of the staff at the Virginia Drive restaurant.

Santiago’s probably won’t win another Foodster, not because its quality has flagged but because the owners keep opening other locations. And as you know, Foodster Awards are for restaurants with three or fewer locations. So all you restaurants that offer brunch will want to work on your brunch game for the 2018 award.

And while we’re on the subject of Foodsters, there’s just one more week to vote for Best Microbrewery, so click here to head over to the Foodsters page to place your vote.

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