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Join Us for Supper Club at the “New” Tony Roma’s

Written By Scott Joseph On September 22, 2017

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I think it’s high time for another Supper Club, how about you?

For some time now, I’ve been telling people about the new and improved Tony Roma’s Orlando. The restyled restaurant is not the Tony you used to know, it really is a better place, both in the the atmosphere and the food.

Then I figured, why not just show you? So I’ve partnered with the Tony Roma’s to put together an evening of good food and drink. We’ll even spice things up by starting with a hands-on activity making Chef Bob’s Spice Rub — and you’ll get to take your concoction home with you.

Cost of the evening is $82 plus tax — $86.92 — which includes gratuity. That’s a four-course dinner with pairings. It’s a special offer just for you.

The full menu is posted on the Supper Club page, where you can also purchase your tickets. Seating is limited, so hop on it.

Unfamiliar with Supper Club? Here are some FAQs about our gatherings. (Actually, few of these questions have been asked all that frequently, but they’re still worth reading if you’d like to learn more.) First thing to know: It really isn’t a club and there aren’t any membership dues or initiation rites — we’re just a bunch of people who enjoy good food and drink and being with others who feel the same. And yes, single diners are always welcome!

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