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Conway Cafe Closes, a Victim of Hurricane Irma

Written By Scott Joseph On September 21, 2017

conway cafe damage

Conway Cafe, the little diner on Hoffner Avenue in South Orlando, has closed. Lenny Mosse, the owner since 2012, said that he has been under heavy debt for some time, but the problems caused by Hurricane Irma were “the last straw.”

LIke many residences and businesses, Conway Cafe lost power during the storm. The cafe did not get it back until Sept. 13, but the air conditioning system was damaged and could not be repaired for two more days. Mosse said that he threw out approximately $4000 worth of food and estimates total damages at $8000 to $10000. At top is a photo of the damage that was posted on the restaurant’s Facebook page.

“I couldn’t exactly run a generator there,” he said when reached by phone Thursday. “You can’t run it indoors and it would have been stolen in that neighborhood as soon as I fell asleep next to it.”

Mosse said he had been trying to sell the restaurant since March through a broker but had not had any interested buyers. 

He said he will declare bankruptcy and “get a job for a corporation and let someone else worry about” the business.

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