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Bistro on Park Avenue has Been Sold

Written By Scott Joseph On July 10, 2017

Bistropark interior

Bistro on Park Avenue, the charming restaurant in the Hidden Gardens, has been sold. The restaurant is currently closed while it undergoes renovations.

Erika Boesch, who bought the restaurant five years ago with her husband, Hugo, said that they had wanted to sell for some time, mainly because they have been separated for four years and divorced for two. “We’re still friends,” she said, “we just didn’t want to work together anymore.”

Also, the $11,000 per month rent was a factor. “It’s a great location,” said Boesch, but it was a “struggle” to make ends meet.

The new owners are Nikki Nielsen and Liz Zucco. Details about the concept and timing to reopen were not immediately available. “I think it will be totally different,” Boesch said, adding that she was not authorized to discuss the concept. This article will be updated when new information comes in.

Bistro on Park Avenue occupies the space at 348 Park Ave. N. that for many years was Maison des Crepes. A couple of other French concepts, Restaurant du Park and Jardins du Castillon, also had the address briefly. It became Bistro on Park Avenue in 2006.

In its secluded alleyway location, Bistro on Park was known as a place for quiet rendezvous. In fact, it won the 2017 Most Romantic Restaurant in Scott Joseph’s Foodster Award for Independent Restaurants.

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